Curriculum Education in Indonesia

Education in Indonesia, lately so crowded because of the enactment of the Education Unit Level Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan /KTSP) . Curriculum SBC was forced to be applied in Indonesia today. Many schools are overwhelmed, both public and private schools.

Marked the era of free market globalization consequences inevitably will occur the quality of competition between nations, both the quality of Human Resources (HR) and its products. Consequently, who is more qualified then he will be more advanced and able to maintain its existence.

Whether or not a nation is determined by the quality of future generations. Any nation that fails to build and educate his generation, then the decline of his country is a world of law to be received. KTSP is one of the enactment of measures to improve the quality of the nation of Indonesia, because the education is a container for the nation’s print generation. Curriculum as a means to achieve educational goals will inevitably have to change considerably as the demands and the times.

KTSP is a continuation of the CBC
Competency-Based Curriculum (Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi) or the abbreviated CBC (KBK) has just occurred in 2004 replaces the 1994 curriculum, there is a difference of 10 years. In 2006 through Regulation of the Minister of National Education (Permendiknas) No. 22/2006 on Education Content Standards and Permendiknas No. 23/2006 on Graduation Competency Standards, drove the emergence of the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) or Curriculum 2006. Each unit of primary and secondary education are given opportunities to develop and establish KTSP.

KTSP is a continuation of the CBC, even KTSP is the CBC but there is little difference, the difference is that KTSP does not regulate in detail the activities of teaching and learning in the classroom, teachers and schools are free to develop themselves according to the conditions of students and their regions. Substantially National Standardization Agency of Education (BSNP) does not make fundamental changes in curriculum 2004. Thus, the content, target and new curriculum materials will be exactly the same as 2006 CBC 2004.

Only by a margin of two-year curriculum in Indonesia changed. This of course does not have to happen in a country this large, although the reason for the advanced curriculum or other reasons. How quickly these changes indicate the planning and direction of education in this country is not yet clear. The government is still groping and playing trial and error on the education system is a diverse country. This is a mistake that should not be repeated.

In a project this big enough (read: project build up and the nation) needed a good management. Each plan must mature including how to achieve the plan. What strategies should be taken and should be considered possible or not to be implemented at this time.

Many new schools understand the CBC, the CBC implemented a new half-half may still exist even new to the CBC, especially in rural areas. Suddenly they are faced with the KTSP. We acknowledge the failure of CBC due to factors including lack of facilities and supporting infrastructure, lack of quality teachers and schools, especially in areas far from urban areas.

Enactment of this curriculum is to overcome this, where the curriculum of each school has the right to develop their own curriculum by adjusting the circumstances and potential in school. Perhaps the enactment of this KTSP because they do not want a total failure of the implementation of the CBC who have spent time and energy in the formulation. Perhaps the CBC should be applied with different approaches and to the KTSP as the answer.

KTSP a solution
KTSP is the right solution for the nation of Indonesia today, in theory the concepts is an ideal system to apply in the country with a population of various tribes of this nation. However, there is unreadiness actors in the field of education, teachers and the school is still not accustomed to it so many different parties are desperate.

KTSP is a breakthrough in the world of education is quite radical. Citizens and public schools are expected to get up from the “long sleep” – her to participate in the educational curriculum think this country so that the quality of public education is increasing. Curriculum (indeed) not necessarily determined by a centralized government, but all parties have the right to participate and develop it (but have to go through channels that have been determined). This is the purpose of implementation of curriculum.

KTSP (it) feels forced to be implemented in Indonesia in the midst of the actors in the world unprepared and inadequate educational facilities and infrastructure. Not to mention this is a new thing and people of Indonesia who are not familiar with the fundamental changes. Perhaps this is a natural human trait that is often lost in safe zone, the nature of the establishment is not comfortable with swiftly in the face of changes.

KTSP feels forced, but that does not mean all that are imposed is a negative thing. Change is sunatullah life, no living thing in this world that does not change. The important thing is how to respond to the change. Forcing KTSP to apply is a step and solutions to improve the quality of this nation. Remember, how many students are “forced or compelled” to complete the thesis or end task on time? Apparently they (also) able.