Facebook Share Button Is The Hot Favourite Next To Like Button

You have some hot new contents on your website to share. Wondering how you should do it ? Why not use the world’s biggest social network as the media ? Yes, you can use Facebook’s ‘Share Button’ to connect with millions of people in seconds.

The Facebook share button is one of the easiest way to spread your content on Facebook. And linking to Facebook means to acquire a wider audience to display your product, content, blog, site etc. The share button is used to share a webpage directly into the user’s profile and his/her friends’ newsfeeds.

The share button is now used by many websites for better and faster promotion. And if you want to benefit from it you can now get yours too. Cerontek has created a number of popular Joomla Facebook widgets including share button, like button etc. that can be installed in any Joomla 1.5 websites.

Find out more about Joomla Facebook Share button.
View a live demo of “http://dev.cerontek.com/facebookwidgets/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=111&Itemid=92” Joomla Facebook Share Button