My Bed Bug Bites – Complete Bed Bug Solution From My Bed Bug Bites

I have been upset by bed bug bites this past summer. It was one of the biggest nightmare ever. I didn’t know what was going on for several weeks and every day I woke up, I had another bed bug bites all over my body. Those bed bug bites are tough to watch and since I couldn’t describle how I got those bites precisely, my family doctor can’t do much about it.

I thought it was poison ivy so I stopped going to my garden. I also thought it could be some kind of fungus so I quitted watching TV in my basement. I tried to stay only in my room and my living room. Still, I still got new bites everyday I woke up and they were very itchy which made me unable to work.

Well, let’s see what I had been through this past summer due to bed bug bites. At that time, I didn’t know they were bed bug bites.

When I saw those bites on my skin in the beginning, I chose Caladryl cream at a CVS store. It didn’t help that much. Then my friend insisted on bringing me to CVS again for different itch relief (1% Cortisone cream + Benadryl tablets).They worked marvelous and my skin was normal then. Unfortunately, the next day I found poison ivy with bilsters( Note: Bilsters are a symptom of bed bug bites) on my right arm then I used Calamine. In the meantime, my left leg showed some insect bites then I went to see the primary doctor and she gave me Dipropionate. She didn’t know they were bed bug bites when she prescribed Dipropionate for me.

I felt that all of the medicine I had used work excellent slowly but surely and I don’t feel Dipropionate is better than the others but if I don’t use what my doctor advised, she couldn’t refer me to the skin specialist if the situation got worse. Good thing that it’s under control temporarily.

Those medicines really helped to relieve the itchness but when the bites were developing terribly, nothing could stop them immediately. It looked like I had to go through a cycle of redness,swelling, and itchness at least two days no matter what I used. The thing is I was still geting new bites everyday. What should I do?

When I was up the creek and didn’t know what to do next, I listened to the radio while driving and it said the bed beg issues were broadly spreading through New York city. I begun to wonder what bed bug bites look like and where I can find the bed bugs to wipe out them all if those bites are from the bed bugs.

After I Googled “My Bed Bug Bites” for more knowledge, things were very clear. Yes. Those bites on my body are correctly the same as bed bug bites. I rushed to my mattress and guess what, I found a huge bed bug which stayed on the side of my mattress and I destroyed it in no time.

It has been a couple of months since I slaughtered the single bed bug which I brought home from a gospel camp. I was lucky that it was only one bed bug which caused the bed bug bites and fortunately, it didn’t lay any eggs before I slayed it. Even though, it still has been one of the biggest nightmare in my life.

Due to my own nasty experience about the bed bug bites, I decide to originate this website ‘My Bed Bug Bites’ to provide more thorough tip to those who may suffer from bed bug bites in the coming future. For more info, please visit “” My Bed Bug Bites.