Should You Design Your Website Or Hire a Professional?

There are many web design platforms available nowadays that allow you to design your own website easily. Apparently, all you need is creativity and a web hosting company. It seems simple but is that really enough?

The popular expression: “You get what you pay for” truly applies in this instance. As a business owner (no matter which type of business you have) you must have the most professional and most appropriate image online for your business. Your image, which represents your branding and reputation, must not only deliver a clear message about who you are and what you offer but it must also be search-engine friendly and easy for others to navigate once they arrive at your website.

For a while now, the concept of the static website has been obsolete. Websites must constantly be offering content that is fresh and is on innovative topics. The content must be informative and interesting as well as educational. It must also offer some sort of solution to the problems of the people who have searched and landed on your website. It must answer the question: “What’s In It For Me?” (WIIFM), in other words, it doesn’t matter how wonderful you and your business offerings are. The only thing that matters is how you are able to help the other person.

The technology behind those concepts is very sophisticated and the work that goes into developing the website is just as sophisticated and should not be left to amateurs. If the website is not designed correctly and does not include all of the elements that will guarantee the advancement of the business, whatever the investment is that you put into it will be worthless. It is never a smart idea to be penny wise and pound foolish.

In order to be able to build a website properly, you need a good understanding of information architecture, the aesthetics of web design, search engine optimization (SEO), the ability to develop web forms and a great deal of other technical abilities. Attempting to do it yourself (DIY) is good in theory, however, considering that web design is most likely not your area of expertise, the only way that you will be able to really accomplish the task correctly is if you take a great deal of time to study and sharpen your web-designing skills, which will take a great deal of time. In all likelihood, you don’t have the time for that in your life.

Creative control

If you start to build your own website, you are given choices regarding font styles, colors, backgrounds, etc. Your next thought, of course, would be that this is a breeze and as long as you are able to make decisions regarding your website, you will be able to create an effective and pretty website for the entire world to see. That is, unfortunately, not necessarily the case. One thing that many people who go the DIY route forget about is company branding. You need to ask yourself if your website conveys a professional and familiar brand that differentiates you from your competition. Does it clearly convey WIIFM and make your unique selling proposition (USP) obvious.

People who scour the Internet can usually tell quite easily if your website was designed by a professional or by an amateur. That determination will drive their decision to look more deeply at your website or to move onto another website that appears professional to them. People will be much more inclined to deem a website that has been designed by a professional web designer as credible and trustworthy than the non-professional one.

HTML skills

Basic HTML is not difficult to learn, especially if you have a great deal of time on your hands and the energy available that you will need to devote to your study of HTML. If you learn only the basic codes, what do you think your website will look like to others? The chances are great that your website will still look amateurish compared with websites that have been designed by professional web designers. Your objective is to have your website seen by as many people and for it to leave a lasting impression that is professional.

There are many reasons to hire a professional web designer, including the avoidance of security loopholes in your HTML code, the assurance that users on all platforms will be able to view your site with any and all browsers that they use and the probability that the search engines will be able to read your code and index your website.

Time and money savings

If you decide to buy a DIY web design kit, it will seem, at initial evaluation, that you are saving a great deal of time and money. One of the important questions that you need to ask yourself is: how much is your time worth? If you happen to have a great deal of extra time on your hands, you may be ok with the DIY route. However, if you are not sure about how much available free time you have you may want to go the professional route. What happens if you get halfway into the project and find that it is taking a lot more out of you than you had anticipated? You will then be left with a web design project that is halfway done and won’t do you and your business any good at all. In that case, you will probably end up hiring a professional to complete the web design. So, in the end, you will have spent a lot of money and wasted a lot of time.


The comparison of DIY vs professional web site design is very important. Your money and time should always be spent as wisely as possible. It is very interesting that things often do not appear as they seem. That is definitely the case with web design. It is a known fact that the DIY approach of web design takes several hours to several weeks to build. Many people who build their own websites contact professional web designers 12 to 14 months after they have built the original website because they are not achieving the search engine rankings that they want and business is just not increasing. They begin to realize after that that their website is just not effective and people are not paying any attention to them. It is vitally important that you get a return on investment that satisfies you and helps you and your business to become more and more successful over time.

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