Athlete’s Foot, What You Need to Know


Athletes Foot is a contagious fungal infection of the skin on the foot, in most cases the region between toes and skin on the soles. It’s quite common certainly throughout moist climatic conditions, whenever fungus (specifically trichophyton or epidermophyton) multiplies in warmer and humid skin. It affects both adolescents and adults.

Athlete’s foot is also referred to as Tinea Pedis, or ‘ringworm of the feet.’

Signs and Symptoms

Individuals with Athletes Foot condition generally sense itching sensations in the area of the feet where fungi is growing. Scales – usually soft and wet and either red or gray-white – appear (specifically between toes). In most cases, the skin scales may develop on the side of the foot, on the heels or on the soles. Most people also come up with small blisters. The feet of a person with Athletes Foot problem generally odours damp and moldy.

Athlete’s Foot Causes

Athlete’s foot is mainly the result of poor hygiene. Individuals who do not wash their feet on a regular basis or use unclean socks are at the highest risk. But individuals who clean their foot regularly without drying them are also at risk as the humidity surrounding the foot attracts fungi.

Furthermore vulnerable to Athletes Foot are usually individuals who continuously make use of locker rooms and public bathrooms. Their feet might get in contact with fungi from people. Patients who have got backgrounds of atopic eczema are also high risk, and so are those who, caused by health problems or medication, are immuno-suppressed.

Tests and Diagnosis

Do you suspect that you have an athlete’s foot infection? Professionals suggest that you don’t self-medicate immediately. Visit a doctor to have your condition diagnosed.

During analysis, the scales developing on your feet might be taken to the laboratory for examining.

Treatment plans

TRADITIONAL Treatment method. As soon as the problem is confirmed, you might be required to apply anti-fungal sprays or ointments on a regular basis (generally immediately after bath). These kind of apply-on, over-the-counter medicines usually have got tree essential oil or crocodile, which have shown to assist eradicate fungi.

If your Athletes Foot is more severe than normal, the physician may offer you oral medication.

Expect the scales to totally cure in three weeks. There isn’t particular diet plan needed for the period of treatment. Athletes Foot disease isn’t debilitating – you are able to continue with regular physical activities however may be instructed to skip those that trigger the feet to sweat. You may also be asked to wear sandals to maintain the feet ventilated during the treatment.

Other treatment methods. There are reports performed to support the claim that human urine is very good at destroying the fungus that affects athlete’s feet. This controversial treatment solution requires the patient to urinate on the affected area during shower.

Make sure that you check with your personal doctor to provide you with Athletes Foot facts so you can make an informed, intelligent decision.

preventing athlete’s foot. To prevent Athletes Foot, don’t forget to follow an effective hygiene habit. If you’re at risk of the disease or have had it before, set a routine to clean your foot with benzoyl peroxide soap. Dry up the places involving the toes very carefully before and make use of dusting or drying powder. Prevent artificial stockings – go for substances that help your feet breathe, such as cotton or other naturally-absorbent materials. Also be sure to put on thongs sandals when using common bathrooms.

Author has been writing articles for about 5 years and she is currently working on her website about foot problems where you can find out about Athletes Foot