Get More Traffic and Fans to Your Facebook Fan Page with SEO

Facebook has become a force for Internet marketers and small businesses alike. Leveraging the features of Facebook allows you to reach a very large audience quickly and easily. One of the most effective ways to do this is by creating a fan page where people can join and stay updated about your brand. Unfortunately, there is a great deal of competition for limited attention to gain fan page followers. You will find that it is necessary to engage in an out of the box type of thinking in order to make your page stand out from the competition. You can do this by making sure your fan page is optimized for search engines. Follow these great search engine optimization tips so your fan page gets maximum exposure.

One of the primary areas you want to put emphasis into is the ‘info’ tab where you’ll want to put your keywords and links. The info tab should be where you put information about what your page is intended to do, and metadata related to your page in this area has a great effect.

That’s why you will always want to use these fields to insert your keywords/phrases and links to your other web pages and social marketing profiles. This will increase your rankings for sure.

Make sure you’re including photos with captions and also listing out events with the right descriptions.

When you’re positing photos on your Facebook fan page, have keyword-rich descriptions to take advantage of the SEO benefits and bring in more zest to your fan page; make it more interesting. One great thing about Facebook is that Google indexes whatever you share. This means it’s necessary to use what features you’re offered to the maximum benefit possible so that you can get the fans and visitors you need.

Last but not the least; make sure you’re not using a generic landing page. Facebook allows you to make your page look how you want it, so you use that ability. This will make sure you get the SEO benefit, too. This is why it is important to make sure your landing tab is made according to your target audience, and you must give them a call to action.

You should give your visitors more than one purpose for joining your page. Many page owners have visitors come to their page but they don’t put any information about their product or brand on that page. This means you won’t impact anyone visiting your page once.

In closing, you should now be very familiar with how to effectively utilize SEO in order to get more fans and traffic to your Facebook page. You will get far more exposure for your fan page, but you will also effectively grow your brand without having to lift hardly a finger.

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